BioInfoExperts Services

Your Customizable Pathogen Genomics Department
Our team provides end-to-end assistance with all aspects of pathogen genomics research. We have expertise and experience in experimental design, sequence data generation, computation, manuscript and grant writing, data visualization, and reporting. We take a collaborative approach and will work with you throughout your project to find answers to questions specific to your research.

Project Design
Asking the right questions is just as important as getting the correct answers. We will work with you to develop an experimental approach appropriate for your situation and your budget.

Laboratory Services
We offer a suite of experimental services for pathogen genetics, including DNA/RNA quantitation, extraction, PCR, and high-throughput sequencing on Illumina and PacBio platforms.
Learn more.

Cloud-Based Analytics
Our software platform, FoxSeq, provides automated analyses of raw or aligned sequence data for different viruses and bacteria. A web interface provides interactive and customizable visualizations of results in multiple formats.

Actionable Results
Our team will help you find meaningful insights in your data and can assist with disseminating results to your institution, funding sources, and the larger community.